2007 News Releases / Coverage

Remote Backup Company Releases IDrive-E - Complete Hands Free Automated Backups

Remote Backup Company Releases IDrive-E - Complete Hands Free Automated Backups

Woodland Hills, CA (PRWeb) January 14, 2007 -- Pro-softnet Corp. has launched its new IDrive-E (https://www.idrive.com) service - targeted at the mass audience who wish to backup data for free.

IDrive-E (https://www.idrive.com) is an online consumer backup offering. This offering comes absolutely free of cost to consumers for storage of up to 2 GB and the IDrive-E unlimited plan allows consumers to backup unlimited amount of data for a modest $4.95 per month.

"With the proliferation of backup products in the market place today, it was important to address the consumer segment and play more of an enhancing role in creating an awareness of the overall importance of online backups for the mass audience. With IDrive-E, we believe we have an offering that can cater to the needs of this consumer segment. It is so powerful and yet so simple bringing together the ease of use of the native Microsoft Windows explorer in addition to its classic interface. The solution is extremely user-intuitive. Add to this the fact that the product can work on virtually any windows operating platform (unlike some of its other competitors that are restricted to operate only on certain operating platforms) makes IDrive-E an extremely compelling value proposition", says Ms. Divya Shwetha Jain, a Technical Manager at IDrive-E.

While other companies are seeking to differentiate based solely on price and price alone, IDrive-E's philosophy is simple - 'backups for one and all and offered at the highest value with great service." "While we might be offering what is essentially a free compelling solution, it is important to note that the solution is entirely feature packed and comes with the same level of technical support and customer support that has always set apart the company from competition.", explains Mr. Vasant, a senior technical architect at IDrive-E.

"Where else can one find an explorer type interface for not just backups but also restores and also a classic tab paned backup/restore interface that can help users retrieve not just their most recent file/backup set version but 30 prior versions of the same. Ability to backup open files is a basic benefit IDrive-E offers its users. Add to this the strong emphasis IDrive-E (http://idrive.com/ide_security.htm) lays on security compliance with its strong 128-bit mandated SSL encryption for all data transfers and as though that was not enough, it also enforces an additional 256-bit AES encryption for data at rest. This security system is so comprehensive that prying eyes on the Internet can be kept completely at bay putting user data security as a paramount security aspect of the IDrive-E (http://idrive.com/ide_security.htm) offering. During a typical backup operation, the user data is compressed and encrypted prior to transmission (before it leaves the client agent) and stays encrypted even after it reaches the IDrive-E (http://idrive.com/ide_security.htm) data centers. Data is decompressed and de-encrypted again once it reaches the client agent in case of a retrieval operation. Bandwidth usage can effectively be controlled using the throttling mechanism so users no longer have to worry about incessant hogging of their bandwidth during their working hours. To top it all, the downloadable desktop executable is extremely lightweight and is fully self-contained. The above unique feature-set of IDrive-E augments this philosophy of data retention and security", adds Mr. Vasant.

The above unique feature-set of IDrive-E (http://idrive.com/ide_features.htm) augments this philosophy of data retention and security.

Future enhancements to the IDrive-E offering would include International support to cater to the various geographies across the world.

"We carried out extensive market research and found out that the above is exactly what consumers want and it is our priority to give it to them in a way that benefits them the most. We invested a lot of our time studying the requirements of the large consumer segment and interviewing them and realized that what consumers want is essentially three-fold - simplicity, ease-of-use and value added features/services", says Ms. Shwetha Jain.

"As a culmination of this research and development effort, our ultimate objectives are extremely simple: We want consumers to be aware of online backup and it is not something they need to be afraid of. We want consumers to use our online backup solution to see for themselves as to how uncomplicated this whole concept of 'online backup' can really be. We want our solution to be an automated solution so that our consumers have peace of mind while they sleep and don't have to worry about their data safety knowing fully well that IDrive-E (https://www.idrive.com) is working on backing up their favorite accounting files and documents - quietly in the background. Lastly, we want to offer them a product and a solution that is not just inexpensive as other competitors do but also offers genuine value", says Ms Shwetha.

We encourage you to set up a free trial and evaluate IDrive-E.(https://www.idrive.com)

IDrive-E, a division of Pro Softnet Corp., is a leading SSP on the Internet and possibly the largest Integrated Online Storage and Backup Provider. Based in Woodland Hills, Pro Softnet Corporation was established in April 1995 and has successfully executed customized online storage assignments for many Fortune 500 Companies.

